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On this page you will find interesting facts about our commitment, as well as facts and figures about our KUKATE concept. These are the most concise articles about our project related to this website: To provide an independent self-determined water supply to many people in this world with our KUKATE building plans.

Remarks and request
When we state facts and figures here, we do so to the best of our knowledge and belief. The information is in accordance with our conviction and is mostly based on engineering science.
You are welcome to use and to copy these, however, if you wish to forward or reuse materials from these pages, please acknowledge “OPEN-WINDMILL” as the source.*
Please also refer to our website. We appreciate any dissemination of our building instructions and arguments in favor of our work.

*Please note the disclaimers

Content: Who we are and what we do.

  • Water access is a fundamental right
  • Help for self-help
  • Free access to proven KUKATE construction plans
  • Self-determined water supply
  • Worldwide transfer and the exchange of experiential knowledge
  • Economically, ecologically and politically adapted technology
  • Realizable technology

Advantages of OPEN-WINDMILL KUKATE water pumps
Content: Facts that speak for the spread of the KUKATE concept.

  • Education and training project
  • Security

Photovoltaics is not an alternative
Content: Problems and disadvantages of water supply from pumps operated by electric current.

  • Advantages indisputable
  • Advantages of KUKATE34 wind pump

You like what we do and you want to know more?

We inform you here what others write and about us as well as latest updates on our social media channels.