Access to clean water would mean the dawn of a new hopeful future for 2.2 billion people on every continent of the world.

Those most affected are people or families in poorer regions – and there especially in rural areas. Their essential concern relates to the fundamental right to a self-determined satisfactory water supply.

Our KUKATE wind pumps for water harvesting at the level of a “medium technology” available to most, opens to these people to manage themselves, within their means, a water supply adapted to them. The core of our concept is to provide construction plans and instructions for action with the goal of an autonomous and efficient water supply of our own.


The manufacture and use of wind pumps are embedded in an appropriate socio-economic and cultural context.

The KUKATE technology is optimally adapted to the practical task of its own water procurement functionally and to its immediate application environment.


The design drawings and construction instructions are tailored to the production engineering know-how available on site.

Accordingly, they target the required tools, manufacturing capabilities and professional qualifications available there.


The construction plans of KUKATE wind energy converters satisfy the essential needs of reliable water self-sufficiency.

In connection with this, they also give rise to economic activity without destroying proven domestic economic structures or ecological livelihoods or even falling into externally determined dependencies.


The self-construction concept developed in the environment of Prof. Dr. Horst Crome within 30 years has so far proven itself hundreds of times on all continents.

The now final simplest do-it-yourself efficient wind rotor is the culmination of many years of development work. The concept aims to use elementary metal craft manufacturing methods to achieve a safe water supply.


The wind pumps do not require electronic, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic components, as such are usually expensive and not reliably available.

The expertise then required would also be counterproductive with regard to a desired autonomy of self-sufficiency.

“Wind water pumps, which served as a model for the KUKATE designs, have been in use for over 150 years, mostly for decades, in many places on all continents”

KUKATE pumps can be operated with materials available everywhere

For example, the valve and piston seal components are made of leather. But they could also be cut out of an old rubber hose.
Some bearings are made of hardwood or brass sheet and are therefore easy to replace. The replacement of low-cost, globally standardized ball bearings required after many years of operation is also trouble-free. Almost all components of the wind turbine are made of recyclable metal.

The designs leave plenty of room for improvisation of all kinds in order to be able to adapt the basic function of water pumping to local wishes and possibilities. For example, it is possible to vary the height of the mast, the pumping depth, the adjustment of the control, the size of the rotor, the type of pump itself and the desired amount of water.

Our realized goal to be able to practice autonomy and personal responsibility of vital water procurement safely on site are the genius of the realized and offered KUKATE constructions.


This water self-sufficiency concept, which is so suitable for many parts of the world, fulfills all four criteria of an economically, ecologically and politically adapted technology and agriculture


  1. Small size (smallness)
  2. Simplicity
  3. Capital-cheapness
  4. Non-violence.

Our technology adapted with OPEN WINDMILL will be in harmony with local, cultural and economic conditions wherever it is realized, i.e. with the human, material and cultural resources of the community:

  • The machines and production processes can be maintained or controlled by the population.
  • Adapted technology will use locally available resources wherever possible.
  • If imported resources and technologies are used, the community will have some control over them.
  • Adapted technology will use locally available energy sources wherever possible.
  • It is environmentally friendly.
  • It can minimize cultural discord.
  • It is flexible so that the community does not put itself into systems that later turn out to be ineffective and inappropriate.
  • Our research and performance activities shall be integrated and carried out locally wherever possible to ensure relevance of research to the welfare of local people, maximization of local creativity, participation of local people in technological developments, and synchronization of research with field activities.

The “KUKATE-OPEN WINDMILL design principle fulfills all the above criteria with its realization.